May Update

Dear EST Family,

We hope that you had a great holiday weekend and that you are holding up the best way that you can with everything that is happening right now around us. 

It has been eight months of hard work following the recommendations for the Transition Team set forth by RKG.  (Please see page 45 of the Equity & Justice Report numbers 1-6 on what the Transition Team has been set up to do)  

We are completing the final edits on our Managing Director &  Artistic Director job descriptions (Please see pages 31 & 32 of the Equity & Justice Reportand once they are finalized and posted, we will make sure to send the links over to you to pass on to potential candidates. We also encourage you, EST Members, to apply if you would like to be considered. Please be advised, our search committee will be comprised of  the Board, Staff, and  EST membership.

As always we will keep you informed of the next steps. Thank you for your patience as we evolve into an EST that walks the walk of its Mission Statement. 

If you have any questions regarding this newsletter or any section of the reading materials listed above, please do not hesitate to email us at or you can reach out and email your individual representative. 
*Please note that your questions will be brought to the Transition Team and the Team together as a whole will answer any questions you may have*


Eliza Beckwith, Focus Group 
France-Luce Benson, Playwrights Unit
Erin Cherry, EST Membership
Bjorn Dupaty, Black Affinity Group
Jahna-Ferron Smith, Youngblood
Linsay Firman, Staff
Lynnette R. Freeman, EST Membership
Russell G. Jones, Board 
Lou Liberatore, Members Council 
Mariel Sanchez, Staff Affinity Group
Elizabeth Van Dyke, EST Membership